Things To Consider When Designing Custom Signage For Your Business


In order for your business to succeed, you need to promote it. Otherwise, your target market may not even know you're open for business. Having a custom banner designed to help you promote your business, locally, is a great idea. Custom signage can be ordered from online or local companies that specialize in digital printing. However, before you design and order a custom commercial sign, you need to consider these design aspects.

11 December 2015

How To Rehab A Fading Or Chipping Wooden Sign


Is your wooden sign looking a bit worse for wear? If the wood is still intact, and it is mainly the paint that is showing wear, you may be able to repaint it yourself. All you need an a free afternoon, some basic painting supplies, and these instructions. Wait for a day when the weather report calls for 2 – 3 dry days in a row to complete this project.

6 October 2015