3 Important Things Monument Signs Do for Your Business


Monument signs are the marquis that show your business name, logo, address, and potentially even an LED screen in front of your business. While many business owners wonder whether or not they need a monument sign, there are all kinds of benefits to installing these structures. Here are three important things that monument signs can do for your business. 

1. Drive Foot Traffic

When you have a monument sign, it gives people important information about where to drive, park, and get out of their car, which can help to drive foot traffic. These are especially important if your business is situated in a place that may be difficult to see from the road, such as a business on the other side of a big hill. 

By driving foot traffic, you can enjoy more customers and clients, which could improve your sales. When placing monument signs, don't place them too far away from your business, or people could still get lost trying to get to your front door. On the other hand, placing the monument sign too close to your business could decrease the number of people that see the sign. Try to place it in an area that would catch attention, such as near an intersection or on a busy road near your business. 

2. Build Your Brand

Your monument sign should also have your logo in a large enough font that people can see it every time they pass by. By having this image present, you can help to build your brand so people start to associate your logo with the amazing services you offer. Make sure the monument sign that you choose meshes well with your brand so that it doesn't send a mixed message. 

3. Display Critical Information

If you opt for a monument sign with an LED screen, use that space to display information, like your hours of operation, what your company does, or the sales you are currently featuring. For instance, if you are having a sale for a certain percentage off, putting that on your LED screen could help to drive business and liquidate products that need to go. 

When you are thinking about adding monument signs around your business, only work with professionals who have experience creating them. Talk with them about the types of colors, shapes, and structures they have available for monument signs and don't be shy about asking for a great deal. Ask to see proofs along the way so you can correct small issues before the sign is a permanent fixture near your business.   


10 July 2020

Signs For Success

When I started focusing on my business a few years back, I realized that there were more than a few things I needed to do if I wanted things to get off the ground. First and foremost, I needed to work on our advertising campaign. Instead of using the same old boring slogans, I worked hard with a graphic design team to come up with something new and different. Within about three weeks, we started to see an improvement in our customer counts. This blog is dedicated to other business owners who want to improve their business and turn things around for the better.